Stryten Energy
VRLA batteries for railway telecom service

Stryten Energy is a supplier for both domestic and international railroads with dependable power for signal and stand-by applications.

Absolyte® AGPS
Absolyte® AGPS 2-volt battery cells are a proven power solution for telecommunications, UPS, electric utility, railroad, and renewable energy applications. Designed and optimized for standby float, high rate, or deep cycling.
- Nominal Capacity Range: 105 – 4,800 amp-hours @ 77°F / 25°C
- Nominal Capacity Range: 241 – 3,089 watts per cell @ 77°F / 25°C
- Design Life: 20 years @ 77°F / 25°C
- Cycle Life: 1,200 cycles @ 80% Depth of Discharge
- Operating Temperature Range: -40°F / -40°C) to 122°F / 50°C)
- Patented lead-calcium-tin-silver positive-plate alloy reduces grid corrosion
- Fully recyclable